MLS Laser Therapy

The Wave of the Future in Pain Management

If you suffer from foot pain, laser therapy may be helpful to you. Heart of Texas Foot Care Center proudly uses the Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Therapy Laser to deliver relief directly to the source. MLS® Laser Therapy has been used to treat arthritis, bursitis, sports injuries, occupational injuries, heel pain, and tendinitis. If you have one of the above injuries or conditions, call us today. You may be a candidate for MLS Laser Therapy! 

Interested in laser therapy? This procedure has been cleared by the Food & Drug Administration, and studies done at Harvard University and elsewhere have shown it to be effective in treating these conditions. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call

Call for an appointment!

The treatment itself is a snap! A session lasts only eight minutes on average and is painless. Most patients will experience a difference in how they feel following just 1 to 3 treatments of 7 to 10 sessions each. Acute pain can typically be treated with only one treatment while chronic pain can usually be managed with regular treatments. 
Heart of Texas Foot Care Center is a foot doctor serving Brownwood, TX; Comanche, TX; and Brady, TX. We are dedicated to both the latest in medical technology and excellent patient care in order to provide our patients with the very best in foot care. If you think you may benefit from MLS® Laser Therapy, please call our office to make an appointment. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you have about it and explain more about how it works. 
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