
Diagnostics in Foot Care for Brownwood & Brady, TX

From routine checkups to treatments for surgery, foot doctor, Bohn Young, is equipped to handle all your podiatric needs. If you have pain in your foot/feet schedule an appointment with us today. We are here to help diagnosis any issue you may have and to lend professional advise on correcting the problem. To help you understand your options, we've included descriptions of some of our leading services on this page. This list is not a complete list of the injuries and diseases that we treat but just some of the most common ones we see on a regular basis. 

If you believe that your feet are not as healthy as they should be, give us a call at Heart of Texas Foot Care Center in Brownwood, TX today. We will bring you in for an appointment to make sure that your feet remain healthy and properly taken care of. 
  • Achilles Tendon
  • Ankle Instability
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Arthritic Foot & Ankle Care
  • Athletes Foot
  • Bunions




  • Poor Circulation
  • Flat Feet
  • Fungus Toenails
  • Geriatric Foot Care
  • Hammertoes
  • Heel Pain
  • Ingrown Toenails


  • Injuries
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Neuromas
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Ulcers
  • Warts
  • Wounds
Achilles Tendon
The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the human body and can withstand forces of 1,000 pounds or more. 

Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are caused by an unnatural twisting or force on the ankle bones of the foot, often resulting in one or more ligaments on the outside of the ankle to be stretched or torn. If not properly treated, ankle sprains could develop into long-term problems. 

Bunions are misaligned big toe joints that can become swollen and tender, causing the first joint of the big toe to slant outward, and the second joint to angle toward the other toes. 

A callus, also known as hyperkeratosis, is an area of hard, thickened skin that can occur across the ball of the foot, on the heel, or on the outer side of the big toe. Although many consider them a skin problem, they are indicative of a problem with the bone. 

Corns are calluses that form on the toes because of bones that push up against shoes and build up pressure on the skin. The surface layer of the skin thickens, irritating the tissues underneath. 

Diabetic Foot
According to the American Diabetes Association, about 15.7 million people (5.9 percent of the United States population) have diabetes. Nervous system damage (also called neuropathy) affects about 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes and is a major complication that may cause diabetics to lose feeling in their feet or hands. 

Fungus Toenails
Since fungal nails are usually more resistant and more difficult to treat than Athlete's foot, topical or oral antifungal medications may be prescribed. Permanent nail removal is another possible form of treatment for fungal nails. 

Flat Feet
Flat feet are a common condition. In infants and toddlers, the longitudinal arch is not developed and flat feet are normal. The arch develops in childhood, and by adulthood, most people have developed normal arches. 

Hammertoe is a deformity of the second, third or fourth toes. In this condition, the toe is bent at the middle joint, resembling a hammer. Left untreated, hammertoes can become inflexible and require surgery.

Diabetes and Your Feet
With a diabetic foot, a wound as small as a blister from wearing a shoe that's too tight can cause a lot of damage. Diabetes decreases blood flow, so injuries are slow to heal.

Heel Pain
Plantar fasciitis (or heel pain) is commonly traced to an inflammation on the bottom of the foot. Our practice can evaluate arch pain, and may prescribe customized shoe inserts called orthoses to help alleviate the pain. 

Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails, also known as onychocryptosis, is usually caused by trimming toenails too short, particularly on the sides of the big toes. They may also be caused by shoe pressure (from shoes that are too tight or short), injury, fungus infection, heredity, or poor foot structure. Ingrown toenails occur when the corners or sides of the toenail dig into the skin, often causing infection. 

A neuroma is an enlarged, benign growth of nerves, most commonly between the third and fourth toes. Neuromas are caused by tissue rubbing against and irritating the nerves. 

Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is the term commonly used to refer to heel and arch pain traced to an inflammation on the bottom of the foot. More specifically, plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the connective tissue, called plantar fascia, that stretches from the base of the toes, across the arch of the foot, to the point at which it inserts into the heel bone. 

Ulcers are skin wounds that are slow to heal. In the foot, as prominent metatarsal heads on the plantar (bottom of the foot)are subjected to increased pressure, the skin begins to become callused. 

Most foot warts are harmless, even though they may be painful. They are often mistaken for corns or calluses, which are layers of dead skin that build up to protect an area which is being continuously irritated. 

Corns and calluses are protective layers of compacted, dead skin cells. They are caused by repeated friction from skin rubbing against bony areas or against an irregularity in a shoe. Corns ordinarily form on the toes and calluses on the soles of the feet.

Athlete's Foot
A chronic infection caused by various types of fungus, Athlete's foot is often spread in places where people go barefoot such as public showers or swimming pools. 

Ankle Instability 
Ankle sprains are caused by an unnatural twisting or force on the ankle bones of the foot, which may result in excessive stretching or tearing of one or more ligaments on the outside of the ankle. 

Arthritic Foot & Ankle Care
Arthritis is an inflammation and swelling of the cartilage and lining of the joints, generally accompanied by an increase in the fluid in the joints. Arthritis is a disabling and occasionally crippling disease afflicting almost 40 million Americans. 

Athlete's Foot and fungal nails are the most common fungal problems with feet. A fungus is a common mold that thrives in dark, warm moist areas. 

Poor Circulation
Persons with diabetes, poor circulation, or heart problems should not treat their own feet, because they are more prone to infection. 

Call today for a diagnosis of any foot problem you may have!

Please contact us to learn more about our foot care. Heart of Texas Foot Care Center provides podiatry services and foot care for Comanche, Brownwood & Brady, TX.
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